The real estate specialist for almost 60 years

Langezaal Makelaars is the specialist in the field of homes in Bezuidenhout and Mariahoeve. We have the largest selection of properties for sale in these districts. This allows us to fulfill your housing wish quickly and at an optimal price. Of course we can also provide you with excellent service in other districts of The Hague and surrounding municipalities.

Professional: you can rest assured that it will be properly arranged
Personal: we know all our customers personally
Resolute: we like to tackle matters directly


contact Langezaal

Suzanne van der Laan de Vries

Team Real Estate Agents | Management

about us

Mark Aardse

Team Real Estate Agents

Melissa van Putten

Team Rental

Renata TenHolter

Team Backoffice

Rob Swart

Team Commercial Real Estate Agents

Marloes van Daalen

Team Real Estate

Vincent Swart

Team Commercial Real Estate Agents


Claire Overgaag

Team Real Estate Agents | Backoffice


Michel Roos

Team Real Estate Agents


Linda Hartings

Team Real Estate Agents

Professional support

Entering the property market you may be faced with lots of questions. You can do with some advice from someone you know and trust, and who understands your personal preferences. Langezaal is the answer. Let us be your partner and we will help you with the answers to those questions. You can rely on us to make every effort to satisfy your requirements. We can be your eyes and ears in companies and institutions in the metropolitan area of The Hague. Find out for yourself!

Personal and targeted approach

Our approach is personal and targeted. This means that we will let you know on a regular basis what we can do for you. You do not have to do a thing. Whenever you need us or if you would simply like to meet us, please feel free to call us for an appointment. We will be happy to listen to you, without any obligation.



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